Monday, August 14, 2017

The Blank in ____Moses' Name

Exodus 2:10 The child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son.  And she named him Moses, and said, “Because I drew him out of the water.”

                There is some misunderstanding within the Christian community (and potentially other faiths) with regard to how or why Moses got his name.  I know this sounds like a really boring reason to blog but please stay with me because I think you will see that the truth behind it reveals something really incredible and Marvel comic awesome about God and His intentions for Moses.  Give me at least a few paragraphs before you move on…  Of course now that you are committed, I have decided to do the rest of the blog in one solid paragraph.
                Most of the confusion comes from the verse in Exodus itself.  Not that the verse causes confusion but it was originally written in Hebrew and we miss some of the subtlety now that Moses' name has been transliterated through Latin and then to English.  I won’t go into all the details (because that part is pretty boring) but suffice it to say that the name “Moses” does not mean “to draw out of the water” like the verse seems to say, but the Egyptian name “Mosheh” (Moses) sounds like the Hebrew word “mashah” which means “to draw out.”  It would be like if I named my son “Juan” because he was my first child… get it?  My first Juan?  As in, my second child would be named “Tu?”  Nevermind.  Anyway, Moses’ name sounds like a Hebrew word that means “to draw out” but it does not actually mean "to draw out" because his name is not a Hebrew name.  His name is an Egyptian name.  So what does “Moses” mean in Egyptian?  I am glad you asked. 
                In the Egyptian language, “Moses” means “is born.”  As simple as that.  Moses= is born.  So why is that significant?  Wow, you are asking great questions today.  That is significant because among the pharaohs they would often name themselves and their children using “moses” as a suffix.  Perhaps you have heard of Rameses?  Knowing what you know now about the Egyptian language can you figure out what his name means?  Rameses means “Ra” (Egyptians god of the sun) “is born.”  “Thutmose” means “Thoth” (Egyptian god of wisdom) “is born.”  “Ahmoses” means “Iah” (Egyptian moon god) “is born.”  So Moses is just the suffix of a name.  Poor Moses, he never got the rest of his name.  Can you imagine your name just being "is born?"  It would be like someone's favorite color being manila.  He was only ever half named; that must be why he had such temper.  But God loves naming things, so it would seem very fit that He Himself would give Moses a name or at the very least change Moses’ name so that he didn’t have to go all over the desert with this sorry Egyptian label.  Kids would probably pick on him and stuff.  Well maybe God did give him a new name and we just missed it.  As promised, this is where it gets interesting.
                In Exodus 3:13-14 God is speaking to Moses at the burning bush and discussing all that this mission entails.  Moses, ever questioning, says he is worried because as he goes to the sons of Israel and tells them that the God of their fathers sent him, they are likely to ask, “What is His name?”  God never flinches and tells Moses, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’  It is from these words “I AM” that the Hebrew people constructed the name of God now pronounced Yahweh.  Did you see what just happened there?  God just gave Moses a new name.  He filled in the blank for Moses and gave a prefix to his suffix.  Did you miss it?  And it is important that God changed it just as He was commissioning Moses to go and set His people free from the Egyptian pharaohs and all of their gods.  Let me help you out with it if you are still not able to see it.
                From now on, whenever Moses was asked his name he would reply, “I AM Moses.”  God filled in his little blank and put His own covenant making name in there.  He is not “Ra”moses, or “Thut”moses, but rather he is “Yahweh”moses and more powerful than any Egyptian pharaoh or their made up gods.   Kids won’t be making fun of him now!  All of this and he is only a type of the Messiah to come.  The Messiah will be the true Moses because in Him the full meaning of “I AM Moses” becomes “Yahweh is born.”  Read that last line one more time just in case you missed it.  I told you it would be worth it if you hung on for a minute!  So whenever you go out there and no matter what opposing force you stand before, when they say “Who are you?”  You put your hands on your hips, puff out your chest and belt out “I AM Franklin!”  Or “I AM Lucy!” and watch the cohorts draw back and fall to the ground just as they did when Jesus invoked the same name before He allowed them to put Him on the cross (John 18:4-6).  Even if your name is Ruchibard you have a fabulous banner if only you say boldly, “I AM Ruchibard!”  Go get’em today Ruchibard, you serve an awesome God, and He gave you a name.

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